Contact Sneh
Experienced Legal Representation for Drug Possession Charges
In this day and age and with a war on drugs, the State has several options to come after you. It could be simple possession charges, possession with intent, sale of a drug, drugs not in original container, or the most severe drug-related charge, which is trafficking. Often times the State will tack on additional related charges, such as “the use of a phone during the crime” or “possession of a firearm during commission of a felony”. Adding these charges isn’t always fair or necessary; however, you can find yourself facing multiple charges stemming from a single incident. Let me help you find ways to minimize the consequences and explore any and all defenses available.
Contact Savannah Drug Possession Defense Attorney Sneh Patel
If you are facing a drug possession charge, contact me online or call 912-656-5996 to schedule a free consultation at my Savannah law firm. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., with weekend appointments and jail visits available upon request.
Fluent in Gujarati, Hindi and German.