Impact of a CDL DUI in Savannah
A Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) is a type of license held to much higher standards than other classes of licenses in Georgia. For most people, a DUI can be devastating. But for those who earn a living driving a commercial vehicle, a CDL DUI in Savannah can mean losing your livelihood.
Not all is lost. Call or email me today to see what an experienced Savannah DUI attorney can do for you.

Georgia CDL DUI Laws Explained
Not just Georgia law but federal law outlines the criteria for commercial drivers. Certain disqualifications can take away someone’s commercial driving privileges—one of those disqualifications is a CDL DUI.
DUI Penalties for CDL Holder
The legal limit of blood alcohol concentration for driving a commercial vehicle in Georgia is 0.04%. This is significantly lower than the 0.08% BAC level for non-commercial licensees.
Substantial penalties may be imposed for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol while driving a commercial vehicle. If you possess a CDL and are convicted of a DUI while driving a commercial vehicle in Georgia, in addition to possible jail time, DUI school, fines, community service, and counseling, you will also face a 12-month disqualification for driving any commercial vehicle on a first DUI. A second DUI conviction will result in a lifetime disqualification of your CDL. These Georgia DUI Penalties apply even if you were charged while driving your personal, non-CDL vehicle.
Even though federal regulations allow states to consider the re-issuance of CDLs after ten (10) years on lifetime disqualifications, the State of Georgia will not reinstate commercial driving privileges after a lifetime disqualification for any reason whatsoever. As such, it is imperative you contact a skilled DUI lawyer as soon as possible to help avoid the severe consequences that a CDL DUI conviction can bring.
Implied Consent Law – GA
Georgia’s Implied Consent Law requires you to submit to testing if lawfully arrested for DUI. If you refuse to take the state-administered chemical test as required by law, you will be disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle for a minimum period of one year.
Your defense starts with an Administrative License Suspension Hearing, also known as the ALS Hearing. As with any DUI in Georgia, these ALS penalties do not have to happen if your DUI attorney files a 30-day letter.
Charged but not convicted?
If you are charged with a DUI but not convicted, then it is up to your employer whether or not they wish to keep you on as a commercial driver. If the charge of DUI is dismissed or if you plead not guilty, your CDL will not be impacted. It is only a conviction that will take away the ability to drive as a commercial driver.
CDL DUI Savannah Lawyer
If you rely on your CDL privileges for your livelihood, you cannot afford to handle your case alone or delay speaking with a Savannah DUI attorney.
I understand the complexities of Georgia DUI law and know what it takes to build the strongest possible defense. If you’re a CDL holder charged with CDL DUI in Savannah, call me today at (912) 656-5996 or go online for a free consultation for the experienced support you need for your case.
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